A My Private Coney project Flash non-fiction, brief moments and old memories of a city and mother's emotional and physical real estate disappearing at the speed of heartbreak.
When it comes to writing or music or painting or dance or any other hellish vocation you are condemned to do, there is no end. The "going off into the sunset" of movies never happens. Except when you die. Then there's a sunset, but you're dead so you don't know the sun is going down on you. Beginning
can feel futile, especially if finishing feels like death and not
finishing feels like death that won't come. Either way, the terror of
sitting down to find out only makes those options worse. When I was still imprisoned in music studies, Florence would order "Répétez!" and demand "Commence!" When I escaped clef notes and bar lines into words and paragraphs, she'd say, "You know writing is really just rewriting", and "Sitting down is half the battle." She also said, "Show me a dirty house and I'll show you a woman of character." Thanks, Mom. But, I had to clean the house first.
MY PRIVATE CONEY presents IT WAS HER NEW YORK, the short stories that accompany the work-in-progress video and photo collection of the same name (myprivateconey.com - media link - IT WAS HER NEW YORK). The stories and the media explore the tender rubble that holds both my mother, Florence's and New York's soul as one disappears into old age and the other into gentrification. All are real observations and/or experiences with very little tall-tale telling.
Except when it makes the story better.
Please visit myprivateconey.com for additional information and sample works.
Getting to know M2
The new male red-tailed hawk in Tompkins Square seems to be settling into
his new digs and setting up his routine. As Amelia spends most of her time
Taking A Writing Break!
*I’m getting close to finishing my book, which is a detailed account of my
unusual and unlikely writing career. The book is going to be titled,
fishing vessel Greenport
à la Tugster, who spotted this beauty while hunting Sea Installer cruising
not far from my waters…she shares the same name as the village near where I
*NEW YORK IN THE 1990's *PHOTO GALLERY - PORTFOLIO #1 - *A selection of
images from the New York in the 1990's Photo Archives.*
*Please also see: PORTF...
Feral City
My new book, *Feral City*, hits the shelves October 4, 2022. You can pre-order
it today from your local bookshop and wherever books are sold. Thank you!
Untitled Pandemic Series No. 5
Things got dark. Painting No. 2 in Series of 6Approx. 7" x 8" Mixed media
on paper Available here. Painting No. 2 in Series of 6Approx. 7" x 8" Mixed
Notes on ‘Swindler & Son 2’
This book came to me as if in a dream, playing itself out in front of me,
bit by bit, each day at the keyboard. Not so much something I wanted to say
as ...
a found poem via facebook pics
polar skeletons wander thin ice soon a drowning doom. droughts and
elephants die; dry meat in the sands for scavengers. in venice, the aqua
alta higher tha...