Some folks have asked where Her New York went to.
In two fire-proof safes were over 50 hours of video of Her New York that had waited patiently for more than a decade to be woven into a living story.
They were put away, along with the video camera, in 2006 when Florence became sick. Still photos could be taken quickly and with one hand while caring for her or running back and forth between her home and work and doctors and pharmacies and delis and Medicaid offices and...
Regardless of all those errands, through Florence's illness and her death the search for Her New York kept unfolding for eight years.
But, the pain of the world, as a friend wrote, from senseless murders and bombings and hatred pouring out of every corner of the planet froze any word that sought home.
Perhaps it was time to return to the beginning and unpack those videos. Perhaps it was time to step back into the timelessness of video-making, something put down in those early days of an illness overtaking a great artist's life. Perhaps it was time to weave a new story about searching for home, a home all of us yearn for.
Until then, a brief rest.
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