Daisy, the diabetic dog highlighted in last week's Friday's Child had been sadly stuck in her cage for months at the vet. BUT SHE'S NOW FREED AND IN A FOSTER HOME!!!
A huge THANK YOU to her amazing new foster mom for picking her up and welcoming her into her heart and home yesterday.
You can follow their adventures on Instagram via @ahomebtwnhomes.
Now let's find her forever family!!!! She's 8 years old, 15 lbs, a fluffy little Shih Tzu terrier mix, and very lovely.
Email samantha@socialteesnyc.org if you have questions!

Sleepy puppies Ginseng and Gia need a foster home ASAP!
These little girls are only 12 weeks old, 4 lbs each, very sweet and playful.
Pickup is at Social Tees, fostering lasts 2 to 4 weeks tops, email samantha@socialteesnyc.org if you can help!!!
That word is a world that a lot of animals live in. And Social Tees and other rescue groups go out, find these animals and bring them back into a different word and thus a different world. Be part of it. Click on the facebook link SAVING LOTUS and join in.
Meet Lotus
This is her looking a BILLION times better than when Social Tees took her off the kill-list and brought her to help.
Social Tees says:
Through this page, we plan to share the story of Lotus and we invite you to please follow along and help this abused dog heal. Our goals are to raise awareness about and prevent animal abuse and neglect; to find out who did this to Lotus; to build a loving community around this dog; and to share her strides and progress as she experiences the kindness she never had and grows into the dog she was meant to be.
Lotus was found tied to a fire hydrant in the Bronx three weeks ago and taken to Animal Care & Control, but she was emotionally abandoned long before that by the severely neglectful owner who allowed her to literally waste away for years. Ironically, she was set free when she was left tied to that fire hydrant. That was the moment when her new life began.
We rescued Lotus shortly after she landed at the kill shelter (Animal Car & Control) in Harlem. Despite how hard we knew it would be to pull her through, we couldn’t bare to leave her there when we saw her cowering in her cage. Unbelievably, we were not allowed take her immediately, however, because Animal Care & Control protocol dictated that they were obligated to hold her for three days in case her owner showed up looking for her… We live in an extremely backward world if the person who did this to her would have been permitted to take her back had he or she come to claim ownership.
Lotus was found tied to a fire hydrant in the Bronx three weeks ago and taken to Animal Care & Control, but she was emotionally abandoned long before that by the severely neglectful owner who allowed her to literally waste away for years. Ironically, she was set free when she was left tied to that fire hydrant. That was the moment when her new life began.
We rescued Lotus shortly after she landed at the kill shelter (Animal Car & Control) in Harlem. Despite how hard we knew it would be to pull her through, we couldn’t bare to leave her there when we saw her cowering in her cage. Unbelievably, we were not allowed take her immediately, however, because Animal Care & Control protocol dictated that they were obligated to hold her for three days in case her owner showed up looking for her… We live in an extremely backward world if the person who did this to her would have been permitted to take her back had he or she come to claim ownership.
When she was released from stray hold, we rushed over, scooped her up, and got her to a holistic veterinary specialist and our veterinarian with the help of a very compassionate animal-loving officer next door at the 9th Precinct. She was emaciated, most of her fur had fallen out, and her nails were so long that they curled in spirals under her toes, some stabbing the flesh of her pads and ankles. Her bones stuck out in ridges along her ribs, and her head felt like a skull covered in a thin layer of crusty leather. All of her skin was raw, moist, red, inflamed, hot, and stank of sourness and rotting flesh. Thick deep scabs covered her back, chest, and legs like fossilized slugs embedded on a wilted stem. The scabs that clung to her face above her nose pushed what little fur she had left there into her eyes, poking her fragile, irritated corneas. Her ears were full of a yellow crumbly buildup that fell like putrid sleet when she shook her head. Her legs wobbled and shook when she tried to walk because she had so little muscle strength. Though it was clear she wanted affection, she was in so much pain that she would wince at the gentlest touch. Miraculously, she still has so much faith in humans despite what she’s been through.
We have held off on sharing her story until we knew she was in the clear, and now is the time to introduce you to this truly special soul.
We have held off on sharing her story until we knew she was in the clear, and now is the time to introduce you to this truly special soul.
This picture was taken when we first rescued her. Just wait until we post the next pics!! She’s had her matted scabby fur trimmed off, and she’s been bathed daily with soothing, medicated cleanser. Her nails were clipped, and she can walk without pain for the first time in years. Her eyes and ears are clearing up and no longer itch and burn. Her foul smell is fading away, and the first traces of fresh fur are beginning to grow back. She can now accept the physical affection she has so dearly needed — she adores being rubbed and scratched along her neck and all over her head, and she will cozy up into your lap on a blanket just happy to have human companionship.
Please join us as we watch her blossom!
Special thanks to Alan Perlman of Chey Dog Pet Photography for donating his time and energy to helping us document Lotus’s journey.
Please join us as we watch her blossom!
Special thanks to Alan Perlman of Chey Dog Pet Photography for donating his time and energy to helping us document Lotus’s journey.
She's already been at the vet for a few weeks, so you can imagine what her medical bills might look like... If anyone wants to DONATE to help support her medical care, please do so here: http://socialteesnyc.org/donate/ THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!!
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325 East 5th Street, NY, NY 10003