Us in Paris
photo: Ted Krever
I would have never left my apartment to go visit a foreign city, which in my book also included New Jersey. But accidentally meeting Dutchie when I thought I was really old but only just a kid, I found myself crossing the Atlantic for the first time to see how she lived. For someone who didn't visit Brooklyn at that time, I am not sure how that came about, but go I did.
And then it was as if we could not stop traveling. In cars to farms or trains to parades and on several planes to parties or really good food, and once to a pig race.
Maybe when you are traveling so much you finally get to where you are going. Who knew in all our adventures we were also going home.
Years ago I wrote: In the whirl of time, we hold each others' footsteps, the ones we took towards love, through loss and then back into unexpected life again, and we bear witness for one another of how amazing and surprising life turned out to be.
Not seen in the picture are the two patient, good humor partners who somehow, in their own journeys to an amazing and surprising life, built a doorstep to a beautiful home that always welcomed us in, no matter where we were, no matter what.
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