Florence's Mother,
My Grandmother,
Sophie Levenstein Deutsch
Sometime in the 1920's or 30's,
probably in Trenton, NJ
From the Column "And They Said"
A State Gazette Reporter asked three persons sitting along the retaining wall on Stacey Park behind the State House this questions: what enjoyment do you get out of watching the river:
Mrs. William Deutsch, 227 Jackson Street: I just like to look at it while my little girl plays around the park. I could spend all day here if I could. The park is the nearest place I can bring my little girl to play in the fresh air and sunshine. There is so much space. In the summer I come most every day as we have no yard or porch. Right now the sticks and dirt from the flood are all over the grass. I hope it is cleared away soon and the benches put out. It isn't so comfortable watching the river sitting on this cold stone wall.
1 comment:
so sweet...
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