Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Memories: The Road Less Traveled

It's a vague memory from another time and place. But I dimly recall our odd little family - a mother father older sister and me - striking out into the empty city on Christmas Day.

It wasn't our holiday and for weeks we had relinquished the streets to activity only done for our birthdays. Now with everyone tucked into family traditions never done in our home on any day of the year, we walked the streets and traveled the subways relishing a city solely ours until New Years.


Anonymous said...

Hi CO,

I wasn't here for Christmas, but if I had been, I would have walked the empty city. It's true, you do feel like you own it, when it's empty.

Maybe the only other time it gets so empty is in a snowstorm . . .

Best wishes for the year (and decade) to come.


c.o. moed said...

yes! that's right -- snowstorms- that quiet... and xmas. Maybe Jan 2? and sunday on Memorial and Labor day weekends....

And thank you so much for your blog, for your visits and for your wonderful and insightful comments!