Because of a barrage of spammers I created moderator approval on all comments. I still received comments but made sure they weren't offering to do different things to different body parts I didn't have.
I'm not sure how, but within the last week or so "post a comment" was removed entirely. Melanie of East Village Corner pointed this out to me which explained the total silence and did relieved me a bit of the fear I had grown stale and boring. Perhaps there might be some truth in that, but the lack of comments was due to a technical glitch.
I've corrected this so please feel free to comment, say hello, muse, reminisce, or say nothing at all. And I shall go back to worrying about everything I write and do.
stopping by to say hello and that you are in no way stale or boring.
Hi CO . . .
Glad someone pointed it out. I actually mentioned in response to a comment you made a couple of days ago. Thought of emailing but wondered if you just didn't want comments . . .
I find blogger does weird things with comments, either blocks them if they come from a different blog site, or makes them go missing. I don't know why . . .
But no, you didn't get boring, don't worry . . .
thank you all so much! Tim, I don't think I caught that or understood it - my apologies for being slow on the uptake.
Looking forward to all our future posts.
AH, glad you're back! I've wanted to comment, but couldn't...the story below about the tie gift certificate had me in stitches. And thank you for your kind comments - they always make my day.
thank you so much! I can't wait to tell Dana that. She doesn't quite get how wonderful her writing is. she just turned 88 and is struggling and this will really cheer her up.
And I neglected to say that I look at "before the storm" and dream of when I am rich enough to buy a signed copy from you. Incredible photographs. Thank you so much.
You're always so kind...I don't know what to say, but thank you. Although I may not comment on every post, I appreciate what you do and your stories enlighten my days.
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