Thursday, August 5, 2010

...A Shadow In The City....

Those spots - where I dreamed something kinder than a hot summer and a silent family lived. Dragged by during long walks I swore if I could just get in there another kingdom would open before me.

Then I discovered bars.


Anonymous said...

You are a very thought provoking writer. My mind always goes on a trip after reading your posts. This post got me to thinking about how much I enjoy driving around our city at night in the winter. I love those golden glow, cozy glimpses of another life through parted curtains. My husband, being a kind and thoughtful person (at times) will slow down past the big older homes with the thoughtfully parted curtains so that I may daydream. In return, I leave my curtains parted in the living room in case there is another "other life wonderer" out there driving around.
Thanks for the "brain stir".

CG said...

Yes, bars......the spaces do change. Great.

bucko said...

oh so right. is it the quality of the warm light (beautiful apt. seen from outside and bars) that is so much the same? that is so alluring?