Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"Jewish Geography"

This is Perry. 

I had never even heard of that kind of geography and I had no idea that's what we were doing.   But, in fact, we were and not only that, it's what I've been doing my entire life. 

*His step-father was best friends with Bob.

*He had a crush on Bob's sister.

*He married a woman whose grandmother lived in the Quartchyard.  B Building.  I'd know her if I saw her.

*His (former) mother-in-law lives in the buildings Dana and George lived in for years. Betcha bottom dollar they know each other...

*Bob and Carola moved into Second Avenue.

*Tom was friends with Bob.  Tom and Laura moved to Second Avenue.

*I moved from the Quartchyard to Second Avenue, right above Bob and Carola.

*Perry and his then wife moved into the Quartchyard.  A Building.  One floor above Florence on the other side of the elevator.  Yeah, he knew Mrs F. and the family.

*Bob's sister moved to Second Avenue.

*Perry did work in their apartments, including connecting my apartment with Carola's via a hole in the floor/ceiling and an internet cable and other cool stuff I used to envy.

*Laura now works with friends I grew up with. 

*Perry now has brass window pieces from Second Avenue that Joni saved during the 1980s window installment (otherwise known, wtf or in yiddish, mishaghas)

*And thanks to Perry, there are now parts of my apartment that look as nice as what I used to envy in Bob and Carola's.

However, I didn't even broach the subject about him going to Stuyvesant High and all the people we knew in common there.  Because, after all, I gotta stop talking at some point.....

Related Posts:

Jewish Geography

It's A Small, Small, Small World After All

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Last of the Native New Yorkers

Sunday Memories: In The Happy Cacophony Of A Visit...

Sunday Memories: The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future

In Memory of Cindy: Land Of the Quartchyard

Sunday Memories: Guest Artists: Dana  - Encore-"If I Bring Forth What Is Inside Me, What I Bring Forth Will Save Me"

A Poem Becomes Her

1 comment:

Alana said...

love this..and a virtual hello from the writing portal :)