Tuesday, August 4, 2009

When The Past is Screaming To Be Heard, A Rule...

Found in an old journal, Florence's instructions to me.

"A rule....., always have a (small) piece of paper & a pencil (the stub is just right for necessary jots of info - size is all) in your pocket - it is never lost & it fills memory to perfection!"

*With thanks to Alana. Her camera is her version of a small piece of paper and a stub of a pencil. "My research has been my outlet here, walking everywhere and photographing signs that sometimes are barely visible or stumbling on a piece of paper or address of a person I am researching at the archives and realizing that someone else had growing pains too and if they could do it so can I, ...very grateful that this is my home and to paraphrase Alfred Kazin, the past is screaming to be heard..think I've pulled it out of every crevice."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the thanks goes to you C.O :) I am honored to be included, and that's a perfect description of my camera as a piece of paper and pencil.
