There's a reason Friday's Child is now a part of Her New York, if only to say thank you.
A two-month old Jupiter, then called Jimmy, when he was brought into the shelter with his five brothers and sisters. So sick, they were slotted to be put to death when a friend showed up 45 minutes before it was scheduled, brought them home and nursed them back to health.

Some folks say their pet saved their life. At least a guy on a PBS show said that.
I don't think Jupiter saved my life.
I think he saved me from frostbite seeping into my life and killing off bits and pieces. If it hadn't been for him, I probably would have lived on just fine for years, never noticing that parts of my heart no longer felt.
The Book of Jupiter
How's Your Heart Doing?

STUDHUNK!!! This one-year-old lab/shepherd mix is about 60 lbs, and his handsomeness gets him swells of attention everywhere he goes. [TRANSLATION: BABE MAGNET!!]
He's very playful, and super sweet with everyone he meets. He's good with other dogs, loves long walks, and would make a good jogging partner. And if you have a great family, he'd be a great family dog.
His foster mom says: "Bailey is a playful and incredibly sweet mutt. He's a very quick learner! He walks along without pulling and only stops for other dogs when they are persistent. He's currently learning basic commands (sit, lay down, and stay) and is showing great enthusiasm.
He absolutely loves belly rubs and kisses, and is an expert snuggle buddy! He would do really well in an active home. He has gotten along well with all dogs and people he has met, but he may be a little too playful for most cats. Bailey will make a wonderful and loyal companion!"
What, You're A Cat Person?
Dashingly debonair cat seeks affectionate, low key human companion. Mochila is a big boy with whiskers for miles! He's four years old and a little shy at firs. But once you break the ice (HINT: CHICKEN), he'll be your companion for life.
Come meet him! 325 East 5th Street, NY, NY 10003; 5-7pm weeknights; 12-4pm weekends;

Spot, the little dude on the right, was adopted a few months ago shortly after traveling across the country to find his forever home via a recent LA Rescue Mission. He's an East Coast boy now, living it up with an extremely loving family and an extremely fluffy brother.
His mom says: "Spot is a great little dog and we love him madly. He and Buddy and my grand dogs get along so well, which is a blessing. He is the happiest little guy and is such fun. He loves his toys, which are numerous, and steals Buddy's, but he doesn't mind -- he just steals them back.
Spot is a fabulous little guy and the relationship between him and our Buddy is a match made in doggie heaven. They do everything together and there is no jealousy. Spot is so well behaved because he follows Buddy's behavior. We love him so much and he gives that love back. Buddy is 14 and acts like he's 2 when they play, Spot has made him a puppy again.
This is a success story and as good as it gets when matching two dogs and a family together. Thank you for what you do. So glad he is in our lives. Our precious little boy, love him to death. He's happy, healthy and loves his furever home. Thanks for saving our little guy. -- Dottie & Mike & Buddy & Spotty Boy
His mom says: "Spot is a great little dog and we love him madly. He and Buddy and my grand dogs get along so well, which is a blessing. He is the happiest little guy and is such fun. He loves his toys, which are numerous, and steals Buddy's, but he doesn't mind -- he just steals them back.
Spot is a fabulous little guy and the relationship between him and our Buddy is a match made in doggie heaven. They do everything together and there is no jealousy. Spot is so well behaved because he follows Buddy's behavior. We love him so much and he gives that love back. Buddy is 14 and acts like he's 2 when they play, Spot has made him a puppy again.
This is a success story and as good as it gets when matching two dogs and a family together. Thank you for what you do. So glad he is in our lives. Our precious little boy, love him to death. He's happy, healthy and loves his furever home. Thanks for saving our little guy. -- Dottie & Mike & Buddy & Spotty Boy

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