There's a reason Friday's Child is now
a part of Her New York,
if only to say thank you.
The Goldie Report
When we are sick or tired or both, she sleeps near us.
When we make the bed she plays with the flying sheets.
She keeps the pile of clean laundry warm.
She occasionally allows Jupiter to adore her.
She occasionally adores him.
Sometimes in the middle of the night, she hops on top of us with a plastic ring from the gallon of milk, knowing one of us will wake up, be a total sucker, and play fetch with her.
She greets us at the door.
She keeps us company when we face a blank screen, wondering what to write.
Adopting her brought more joy into our lives than we could have ever imagined.
Social Tees has wonderful puppies, dogs, kittens and cats up for adoption!

And if you are not ready to adopt, FOSTER!

Fostering lasts a few weeks, and Social Tees can provide supplies if you need them. Fostering is SUPER important because it's much healthier for our animals to be in homes than in cages, and it expands our shelter virtually.
AND for every cat and dog that is placed in a foster home, Social Tees can pull another out of the kill shelter. So if you are an animal-lover with commitment issues, FOSTER!!!
For more info on fostering, check out our FAQs here.
Get involved, volunteer, foster! Adopt!!!

Social Tees 325 East 5th Street, NY, NY 10003