There's a reason Friday's Child is now a part of Her New York, if only to say thank you.
A two-month old Jupiter, then called Jimmy, when he was brought into the shelter with his five brothers and sisters. So sick, they were slotted to be put to death when a friend showed up 45 minutes before it was scheduled, brought them home and nursed them back to health.
Some folks say their pet saved their life. At least a guy on a PBS show said that.
I don't think Jupiter saved my life.
I think he saved me from frostbite seeping into my life and killing off bits and pieces. If it hadn't been for him, I probably would have lived on just fine for years, never noticing that parts of my heart no longer felt.
The Book of Jupiter
Getting Adopted: July, 2009
Happiness and the Heart
Once I Was A Man
Adrian and Jupiter
Home Is The Bag
Even The Cat Was Found On the Street
Thank You East Village Corner
A Day In The Life
A View From A Kitchen
In the Still of the Night
Cat On A Hot Tin...
The Showdown
Still of Another Night
Catboy in Love
Old and New Sunrises
The Cat and the Couch
The Fascinating Maritime Architecture of Mr. Boring
William Alciphron Boring was a prominent architect whose work played a
significant role in shaping the architectural landscape of New York City,
9 hours ago