Why does Her New York
post about animal rescue?
post about animal rescue?
We were talking about intimacy last night.
The Mets were doing OK so it freed up some time. All of us, at some point or another, had closed off our hearts and souls and went about life "doing just fine". I did that a couple of times.
But, just like the Mets winning because the other team screwed up a lot, I got lucky. Friends and roommates had loving dogs and all those dogs wanted TO love. They were not afraid of intimacy. They made sure, curling up to me in bed, or putting their head in my lap, that I learned to get close to something other than a cigarette or a bar stool.
Later, Jupiter decided I was his and that was that and, really, cats aren't loving like dogs. They just expect to BE loved and they are not afraid to BE loved at all. They are not afraid of intimacy. And, with his demands to have his ear scratched, his fur brushed, his ball thrown and his dish filled, I had to learn to get close to something other than the safety of my own walls.
When you're used to cigarettes and walls and the Mets losing, life is predicable. So is a flat line on a heart monitor. Therefore and hence, if you want to go on an adventure into intimacy and four-legged beings are more inviting than a spouse at this point, check out the beefcake of the week:
Seriously, it doesn't get any better than this beefy babe. Even his name, MACHO, is perfect.
Social Tees says: This charmer is so attractive we can barely keep our eyes off of him. When he visits, we can barely keep our hands off of him! He's just so damn curly, soft, and lovable.
But looks aren't everything, as we all (should) know... Luckily, this boy is as gorgeous inside as he is at first glance. Macho is smart, loyal, loving, and wonderfully friendly with everyone he meets. He's well mannered, loves to play fetch, makes a great walking companion, and is housebroken!
Seriously, you're not going to find a more adoring and cuddly soul mate. Plus, he's the perfect size for someone who wants a smallish dog that's not too small,
He's 3 years old and about 25 pounds and a young dog that's past the challenging puppy behavior!
Interested in adopting him? Complete an application at socialteesnyc.org!
Tarzan, the obscenely adorable lab puppy, was adopted a few weeks ago by a family of four in the neighborhood. They're over the moon with the new member of their family. His loving guardians couldn't be more thrilled. They smother him with cuddles and are working on basic training. His new mom and dad say: "We love our puppy, he's healthy and very happy in his new home. It was great working with Social Tees! The adoption process went really smooth. Thank you!!!!
Come Volunteer!!!
Come Visit!!!!
Come On In!!!!!

Social Tees
325 East 5th Street, NY, NY 10003