The Marriage Bureau was filled with a billion different kinds of wedding dresses and suits, all moving in six different directions depending on if they had just gotten hitched or were off to get hitched.
And swimming and swirling around the billions of wedding dresses and suits were all the friends and families and babies and children and parents and... was a parade of everyone leaping into faith that love, one way or another, would be happily ever after.
Except this kid.
Who didn't swim or swirl.
He looked.
Which is much more involved than just watching.
We couldn't take our eyes off of him...
... as he stepped into what he was looking at. His fearlessness.
His mom finally corralled him back to her, but only briefly.
He saw my camera and reached for it.
So I handed it to him.
His looking and stepping into suddenly made sense. The kid was a director. All that he was missing was a camera.
"He's deaf," his mom told us.
No, not really, we told her. The camera is how he hears the world.
Sunday Links: Good Vibrations By The Beach Boys - Plus: The MBIP Coming
*Tomorrow marks the 59th anniversary of* *the first recording session for
the legendary song, **Good Vibrations** by The Beach Boys back in 1966. It
11 hours ago