My cousin, who had already made sure I got through adolescents in one piece, had just scooped me up in New York and taken me to Atlantic City to lick my wounds after being left in an ignoble manner.
Taking charge of raising a child not her own, she was my guiding force and my moral compass. She died in February.

'Cuz when there is no refuge except by an ocean there's only one person in the world to go with.
'Cuz you were brave enough to enter a car with me at the wheel knowing I didn't understand the concept "stay in between the lines."
'Cuz there was no one else in my life I could ask those questions and you answered them. (And I'm sure you NEVER repeated our conversation to anyone else.)
'Cuz you let me borrow it.
'Cuz you went forward and forward and forward again.

'Cuz you're the only person who could flip me the bird and still make great art.
'Cuz to shop like that takes talents guts and skill and you are the best argument for shopping to be in both summer and winter Olympics.
'Cuz of that day we walked through the old old neighborhood and we understood we are the ones left to remember.
'Cuz of every meal you shared with me.
'Cuz you trusted me with your kids. Even after we all took the 5th.
'Cuz the generosity was at a price and I hope I did right by you when I passed it forward.
'Cuz again you went forward and forward and forward again.

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